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Buddhist Festivals

As part of our mission to give back to the community, we celebrate a wide range of festivals including Thai New Year, Loy krathong festival, Wesak Day festival and all other buddhist festivals. . 


Worship Bo Tree

There are many steps that one can take in pursuing a life of self-examination, compassion, and wisdom. Worshipping the Temple Bo Tree, for instance, is just as important as meditation. 

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Visitors who wish to make food offerings are encouraged to arrive by 10:30am to participate in the daily rice offering to the Buddhist monk. Prior to the meal a blessing will be given in appreciation of the donors’ generosity. Please contact the temple and confirm the availability of the monk if you wish to offer food.


We know that life can seem like a repetitive cycle of waking up, eating, working and sleeping. And that the daily grind can fill our minds and bodies with negative energy and stress. That’s why we created Meditation retreats, so our community has a place to return to self-exploration, self-discovery, and sharing a journey with other like-minded individuals. For those who are interested in Meditation retreats, please contact the temple.

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